T.R. Jones Die Components
Manufactured exclusively by Marquardt & Mueller Machining

Phone: 912-966-1075    Fax: 912-966-1078


e-Catalog Die Component Library Download

The T.R. Jones e-Catalog Die Component Library allows you to have all of our current die component information and order forms available at your desktop. 

We currently offer our e-Catalog in HTML format. This allows us to present the material with easy to follow navigation so you can find the die component you're looking for fast. Also, you no longer require a copy of any CAD program to view the information. Any computer with a copy of Microsoft's Internet Explorer can view the e-Catalog.

If you wish to download a copy of the library, click on the link at the side to begin the process.

We are having you fill out a brief registration form prior to download. This way we will will be able to keep you up-to-date with our latest information. Your information is only used for our communication with you and is never made available to any other sources. 

If you need to receive the program on disk either contact us using the numbers listed on the top of the page or click on the link below and fill out the form so we can process your request.

Please send me a complimentary copy of your e-Catalog